Special Items

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Revision as of 00:44, 19 January 2025 by Daracan (talk | contribs) (Synthesized Weapons)

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The following special items have been added to Path of Diablo, plus other important item changes not located elsewhere.

Special Items

Melee Splash Jewel

  • A melee attack modifying jewel that does damage in a cone-shaped area behind the targeted enemy. For more technical information, Melee Splash Jewel.

Orb of Corruption

  • A consumable item that "corrupts" a unique/set/rare/magic item granting it new properties, in some cases even reforging it into a totally new item. [For detailed information on Orbs of Corruption see the Orb of Corruption page.

Orb of Alteration

  • This orb will always drop from a relic boss and will re-roll a relic into a new one with new stats (of the same tier).


  • A consumable item which moves the character and nearby party members to a map. Multiple versions exist for different maps. For detailed information about maps, see the Dungeoneering page.

Other Item Changes

Arrows and Bolts

  • Quivers new ‘Ballist’s’ prefix: ‘+3 to Bow & Crossbow Skills’. (#21 Shungite)
  • Quiver new ‘Experimenter’s’ prefix: ‘+1 to Magic Arrow (oskill). (#21 Shungite)
  • Quiver new stats: Cold, Lightning & Fire Damage prefixes have a new fourth damage tier with higher values (at higher ilvls). (#21 Shungite)
  • Quiver new stats: Cold, Lightning, Fire & Poison Damage suffixes have a new fourth damage tier with higher values (at higher ilvls). (#21 Shungite)
  • Quiver new suffix stat (with two tiers): ‘Damage Taken Goes to Mana’. (#21 Shungite)
  • Quiver new ‘of Abjuration’ suffix: ‘+1 to Elemental & Poison Skills’. (#21 Shungite)
  • Quiver new ‘of Evocation’ suffix: ‘+2 to Elemental & Poison Skills’. (#21 Shungite)
  • Arrows and Bolts can now drop magic or rare with a wide variety of mods: Arrow and Bolt affixes. (#9 Aventurine)
  • Arrows and Bolts can now be gambled at the vendors. (#12 Edenite)
  • Significantly increased the max quantity of Arrows and Bolts, and they don't deplete when used. (#6 Obsidian)

Throwing Weapons

  • Throwing weapons now have durability instead of quantity. Melee and Ranged attacks both consume durability. (#20 Perlite)

Synthesized Weapons

  • These are unique weapons that have been synthesized by melting down other uniques and reforging the base one. It can drop many different weapon types and gain properties from other weapons or even other slots giving a large number of possibilities. Synthesized weapons can be found in special areas. (#22 Minium)


  • Full rejuvenation potions now heal for 70% of health and mana (down from 100%). (#9 Aventurine)
  • Super life potions now heal 400 (up from 320) and Greater life potions now heal for 200 (up from 180). (#9 Aventurine)
  • Antidote and Thawing potions no longer grant bonuses to maximum resistances. (#11 Kyanite)


  • Maximum kick damage on boots has been set to 1.5x the minimum damage which may cause an increase or decrease in maximum kick damage depending on the original range for the boots. (#14 Serandite)


  • Aegis shield strength requirement reduced to 200 and defense increased to 196-221. (#22 Minium)


  • Increased the durability of all weapons by 50%. (#15 Graphite)
  • Two instances of Half Freeze Duration will grant Cannot be Frozen. (#22 Minium)
  • Superior items with 1-3% bonus to Attack Rating changed to +1 Attack Rating per Character Level. (#22 Minium)

Crushing Blow:

  • Prime Evils = Melee 1/32 (Ranged 1/64) (Andariel, Duriel, Mephisto, Diablo, Baal, Baal Clone, Diablo Clone, Lilith, Uber Duriel, Uber Izual, Uber Baal, Uber Meph, Uber Diablo and all relic bosses). (#11 Kyanite)


Diamonds in weapons, now add flat damage, instead of increased damage to undead.

Skulls in shields, now reduce physical damage taken, instead of doing damage to attackers.