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How to run PoD under linux


"Path of Diablo" mod works perfectly under Wine (just as vanilla D2:LoD does), but its launcher requires some additional configuration. Basically all you need - setup win32 prefix and install dotnet 4.0 there.

Preparing prefix

  • Install Wine and winetricks packages from your distro repositories. In case of Archlinux:
pacman -S wine winetricks
  • Create new win32 prefix with winecfg. Just close winecfg window after it starts - it already installed new x86 (32-bit) Windows to "prefix32" folder in your user home directory:
WINEPREFIX="$HOME/prefix32" WINEARCH=win32 winecfg
  • Install dotnet4.0 with winetricks there:
WINEPREFIX="$HOME/prefix32" WINEARCH=win32 winetricks

Select "install DLL or Windows components" on second screen, choose "dotnet40" option and press OK

Installing the game

  • Download d2 installers & PoD installer to any folder as described here. Make sure to grab English(US) version of D2 and D2LOD from bnet website.
  • Fire up terminal, Enter directory, run
WINEPREFIX="$HOME/prefix32" WINEARCH=win32 wine Downloader_Diablo2_enUS.exe
  • same again but for expansion, run
WINEPREFIX="$HOME/prefix32" WINEARCH=win32 wine Downloader_Diablo2_Lord_of_Destruction_enUS.exe
  • go to directory where you downloaded the classic game from the first downloader, run
WINEPREFIX="$HOME/prefix32" WINEARCH=win32 wine Installer.exe
  • go to directory where you downloaded the expansion game from the second downloader, run
WINEPREFIX="$HOME/prefix32" WINEARCH=win32 wine installer.exe
  • Install PoD launcher. As .msi files aren't executables, make sure to use "wine start"
WINEPREFIX="$HOME/prefix32" WINEARCH=win32 wine start pathofdiablolauncher.msi

Running the game

  • In terminal, enter Diablo II directory and run PoD launcher
WINEPREFIX="$HOME/prefix32" WINEARCH=win32 wine Path\ of\ Diablo\ Launcher.exe
  • Select "Choose Main Gateway" and press "Set Gateway"
  • Press "Update Available" to get the latest client version
  • Press "Play"

Loot Filter and QoL settings

If you find your game crashing when interacting with the Settings button and its content, check this Reddit thread at: