Loot Filtration Codes
From Path of Diablo Wiki
Color Codes
Code | Color | Compatibility |
%GREEN% | (set item color) | all |
%DGREEN% | all | |
%GOLD% | (unique item color) | all |
%TAN% | all | |
%BLUE% | (magic item color) | all |
%GRAY% | (ethereal/socketed color) | all |
%WHITE% | all | |
%BLACK% | (very hard to see) | all |
%YELLOW% | (rare item color) | all |
%ORANGE% | (crafted item color) | all |
%PURPLE% | all | |
%RED% | all | |
%CORAL% | -3dfx & -d2gl only | |
%SAGE% | -3dfx & -d2gl only | |
%TEAL% | -3dfx & -d2gl only | |
%LIGHT_GRAY% | -3dfx & -d2gl only |
Value References
Code | Output | Usage |
%PRICE% | Selling price of the item | ($%PRICE%) = ($100) |
%ILVL% | Item level | {L%ILVL%} = {L99} |
%SOCKETS% | Show the item's socket count | %SOCKETS%OS = 4OS |
%CODE% | Show an item's code | ItemDisplay[]: %NAME% [%CODE%] = All items show their item code in square brackets [] |
%NAME% | Item name | ItemDisplay[]: %RED%* %NAME% = Display red asterix in front of all items |
%CONTINUE% | Item name with previous changes | Used to apply multiple %NAME% rules. If two rules change the %NAME%, instead of 1 rule deciding the final name, you can use %CONTINUE% to edit the already edited %NAME%. |
%RUNENAME% | Same as %NAME% but runes | ItemDisplay[r01]: %ORANGE%! %RUNENAME% = Display 'El rune' with orange exclamation point in front. |
Item Tier Codes
Code | Group |
NORM | Normal |
EXC | Exceptional |
ELT | Elite |
Item Quality Codes
Code | Quality |
SYNTH | Synthesized |
INF | Inferior |
SUP | Superior |
MAG | Magic |
RARE | Rare |
SET | Set |
UNI | Unique |
NMAG | Non-magical (white/gray) |
ETH | Ethereal |
RW | Runeword |
Class Specific Item Codes
Code | Class Item |
CL1 | Druid pelts |
CL2 | Barbarian helmets |
CL3 | Paladin shields |
CL4 | Necromancer shields |
CL5 | Assassin weapons |
CL6 | Sorceress weapons |
CL7 | Amazon weapons |
Weapon Groups
Code | Group |
WP1 | Axes |
WP2 | Maces |
WP3 | Swords |
WP4 | Daggers |
WP5 | Throwing Weapons |
WP6 | Javelins |
WP7 | Spears |
WP8 | Polearms |
WP9 | Bows |
WP10 | Crossbows |
WP11 | Staves |
WP12 | Wands |
WP13 | Scepters |
WEAPON | All weapons |
Armor Groups
Code | Groups |
EQ1 | Helmets |
EQ2 | Body Armor |
EQ3 | Shields |
EQ4 | Gloves |
EQ5 | Boots |
EQ6 | Belts |
EQ7 | Circlets |
ARMOR | All armors |
Item Codes
Code | Item |
key | Keys (locked chests) |
vps | Stamina Potion |
yps | Antidote Potion |
rvs | Rejuv Potion |
rvl | Full Rejuv Potion |
wms | Thawing Potion |
tbk | Town Portal Book |
ibk | Identify Book |
amu | amulet |
vip | viper amulet |
rin | ring |
GOLD | gold |
bks | Bark Scroll |
bkd | deciphered Bark Scroll |
aqv | Rusted Arrows |
tch | Torch |
cqv | Rusted Bolts |
tsc | Town Portal Scroll |
isc | Identify Scroll |
j34 | jade figurine |
g34 | gold bird |
bbb | lam esen's tome |
box | Horadric Cube |
tr1 | Scroll of Horadric Quest Info |
mss | Mephisto SoulStone |
ass | Book of Skill |
qey | KhalimEye |
qhr | KhalimHeart |
qbr | KhalimBrain |
ear | Player Ear |
gcv | Chipped Amethyst |
gfv | Flawed Amethyst |
gsv | Amethyst |
gzv | Flawless Amethyst |
gpv | Perfect Amethyst |
gcy | Chipped Topaz |
gfy | Flawed Topaz |
gsy | Topaz |
gly | Flawless Topaz |
gpy | Perfect Topaz |
gcb | Chipped Saphire |
gfb | Flawed Saphire |
gsb | Saphire |
glb | Flawless Saphire |
gpb | Perfect Saphire |
gcg | Chipped Emerald |
gfg | Flawed Emerald |
gsg | Emerald |
glg | Flawless Emerald |
gpg | Perfect Emerald |
gcr | Chipped Ruby |
gfr | Flawed Ruby |
gsr | Ruby |
glr | Flawless Ruby |
gpr | Perfect Ruby |
gcw | Chipped Diamond |
gfw | Flawed Diamond |
gsw | Diamond |
glw | Flawless Diamond |
gpw | Perfect Diamond |
hp1 | Lesser Healing Potion |
hp2 | Light Healing Potion |
hp3 | Healing Potion |
hp4 | Strong Healing Potion |
hp5 | Greater Healing Potion |
mp1 | Lesser Mana Potion |
mp2 | Light Mana Potion |
mp3 | Mana Potion |
mp4 | Strong Mana Potion |
mp5 | Greater Mana Potion |
skc | Chipped Skull |
skf | Flawed Skull |
sku | Skull |
skl | Flawless Skull |
skz | Perfect Skull |
cm1 | Small Charm |
cm2 | Large Charm |
cm3 | Grand Charm |
r01 | El Rune |
r02 | Eld Rune |
r03 | Tir Rune |
r04 | Nef Rune |
r05 | Eth Rune |
r06 | Ith Rune |
r07 | Tal Rune |
r08 | Ral Rune |
r09 | Ort Rune |
r10 | Thul Rune |
r11 | Amn Rune |
r12 | Sol Rune |
r13 | Shael Rune |
r14 | Dol Rune |
r15 | Hel Rune |
r16 | Io Rune |
r17 | Lum Rune |
r18 | Ko Rune |
r19 | Fal Rune |
r20 | Lem Rune |
r21 | Pul Rune |
r22 | Um Rune |
r23 | Mal Rune |
r24 | Ist Rune |
r25 | Gul Rune |
r26 | Vex Rune |
r27 | Ohm Rune |
r28 | Lo Rune |
r29 | Sur Rune |
r30 | Ber Rune |
r31 | Jah Rune |
r32 | Cham Rune |
r33 | Zod Rune |
jew | Jewel |
tr2 | Scroll of Malah - Boost Resistances |
pk1 | Pandemonium Key 1 |
pk2 | Pandemonium Key 2 |
pk3 | Pandemonium Key 3 |
dhn | Diablo's Horn |
bey | Baal's Eye |
mbr | Mephisto's Brain |
toa | Token of Absolution |
tes | Twisted Essence of Suffering |
ceh | Charged Essense of Hatred |
bet | Burning Essence of Terror |
fed | Festering Essence of Destruction |
std | Standard |
cx5 | Orb of Corruption |
cx9 | Orb of Alteration |
cm4 | Hoardrim Sigil (enchant charm) |
aq2 | Arrows |
cq2 | Bolts |
ma1 | Dark Cavern Relic - Removed Patch 12 |
ma2 | Forgotten Desert - Tier 4 |
ma3 | Abandoned Precinct Relic - Removed Patch 12 |
ma4 | Desecrated Temple Relic - Tier 1 |
ma5 | Frigid Plateau Relic - Tier 2 |
ma6 | Runed Chapel - Tier 3 |
hax | Hand Axe |
axe | Axe |
2ax | Double Axe |
mpi | Military Pick |
wax | War Axe |
lax | Large Axe |
bax | Broad Axe |
btx | Battle Axe |
gax | Great Axe |
gix | Giant Axe |
wnd | Wand |
ywn | Yew Wand |
bwn | Bone Wand |
gwn | Grim Wand |
clb | Club |
scp | Scepter |
gsc | Grand Scepter |
wsp | War Scepter |
spc | Spiked Club |
mac | Mace |
mst | Morning Star |
fla | Flail |
whm | War Hammer |
mau | Maul |
gma | Great Maul |
ssd | Short Sword |
scm | Scimitar |
sbr | Saber |
flc | Falchion |
crs | Crystal Sword |
bsd | Broad Sword |
lsd | Long Sword |
wsd | War Sword |
2hs | Two-Handed Sword |
clm | Claymore |
gis | Giant Sword |
bsw | Bastard Sword |
flb | Flamberge |
gsd | Great Sword |
dgr | Dagger |
dir | Dirk |
kri | Kriss |
bld | Blade |
tkf | Throwing Knife |
tax | Throwing Axe |
bkf | Balanced Knife |
bal | Balanced Axe |
jav | Javelin |
pil | Pilum |
ssp | Short Spear |
glv | Glaive |
tsp | Throwing Spear |
spr | Spear |
tri | Trident |
brn | Brandistock |
spt | Spetum |
pik | Pike |
bar | Bardiche |
vou | Voulge |
scy | Scythe |
pax | Poleaxe |
hal | Halberd |
wsc | War Scythe |
sst | Short Staff |
lst | Long Staff |
cst | Gnarled Staff |
bst | Battle Staff |
wst | War Staff |
sbw | Short Bow |
hbw | Hunter's Bow |
lbw | Long Bow |
cbw | Composite Bow |
sbb | Short Battle Bow |
lbb | Long Battle Bow |
swb | Short War Bow |
lwb | Long War Bow |
lxb | Light Crossbow |
mxb | Crossbow |
hxb | Heavy Crossbow |
rxb | Repeating Crossbow |
gps | Rancid Gas Potion |
ops | Oil Potion |
gpm | Choking Gas Potion |
opm | Exploding Potion |
gpl | Strangling Gas Potion |
opl | Fulminating Potion |
d33 | decoy dagger |
g33 | Gidbinn |
leg | Wirt's Leg |
hdm | Horadric Malus |
hfh | Hellforge Hammer |
hst | Horadric Staff |
msf | Staff of the Kings |
9ha | Hatchet |
9ax | Cleaver |
92a | Twin Axe |
9mp | Crowbill |
9wa | Naga |
9la | Military Axe |
9ba | Bearded Axe |
9bt | Tabar |
9ga | Gothic Axe |
9gi | Ancient Axe |
9wn | Burnt Wand |
9yw | Petrified Wand |
9bw | Tomb Wand |
9gw | Grave Wand |
9cl | Cudgel |
9sc | Rune Scepter |
9qs | Holy Water Sprinkler |
9ws | Divine Scepter |
9sp | Barbed Club |
9ma | Flanged Mace |
9mt | Jagged Star |
9fl | Knout |
9wh | Battle Hammer |
9m9 | War Club |
9gm | Martel de Fer |
9ss | Gladius |
9sm | Cutlass |
9sb | Shamshir |
9fc | Tulwar |
9cr | Dimensional Blade |
9bs | Battle Sword |
9ls | Rune Sword |
9wd | Ancient Sword |
92h | Espadon |
9cm | Dacian Falx |
9gs | Tusk Sword |
9b9 | Gothic Sword |
9fb | Zweihander |
9gd | Executioner Sword |
9dg | Poignard |
9di | Rondel |
9kr | Cinquedeas |
9bl | Stiletto |
9tk | Battle Dart |
9ta | Francisca |
9bk | War Dart |
9b8 | Hurlbat |
9ja | War Javelin |
9pi | Great Pilum |
9s9 | Simbilan |
9gl | Spiculum |
9ts | Harpoon |
9sr | War Spear |
9tr | Fuscina |
9br | War Fork |
9st | Yari |
9p9 | Lance |
9b7 | Lochaber Axe |
9vo | Bill |
9s8 | Battle Scythe |
9pa | Partizan |
9h9 | Bec-de-Corbin |
9wc | Grim Scythe |
8ss | Jo Staff |
8ls | Quarterstaff |
8cs | Cedar Staff |
8bs | Gothic Staff |
8ws | Rune Staff |
8sb | Edge Bow |
8hb | Razor Bow |
8lb | Cedar Bow |
8cb | Double Bow |
8s8 | Short Siege Bow |
8l8 | Long Siege Bow |
8sw | Rune Bow |
8lw | Gothic Bow |
8lx | Arbalest |
8mx | Siege Crossbow |
8hx | Balista |
8rx | Chu-Ko-Nu |
qf1 | KhalimFlail |
qf2 | SuperKhalimFlail |
ktr | Katar |
wrb | Wrist Blade |
axf | Hatchet Hands |
ces | Cestus |
clw | Claws |
btl | Blade Talons |
skr | Scissors Katar |
9ar | Quhab |
9wb | Wrist Spike |
9xf | Fascia |
9cs | Hand Scythe |
9lw | Greater Claws |
9tw | Greater Talons |
9qr | Scissors Quhab |
7ar | Suwayyah |
7wb | Wrist Sword |
7xf | War Fist |
7cs | Battle Cestus |
7lw | Feral Claws |
7tw | Runic Talons |
7qr | Scissors Suwayyah |
7ha | Tomahawk |
7ax | Small Crescent |
72a | Ettin Axe |
7mp | War Spike |
7wa | Berserker Axe |
7la | Feral Axe |
7ba | Silver Edged Axe |
7bt | Decapitator |
7ga | Champion Axe |
7gi | Glorious Axe |
7wn | Polished Wand |
7yw | Ghost Wand |
7bw | Lich Wand |
7gw | Unearthed Wand |
7cl | Truncheon |
7sc | Mighty Scepter |
7qs | Seraph Rod |
7ws | Caduceus |
7sp | Tyrant Club |
7ma | Reinforced Mace |
7mt | Devil Star |
7fl | Scourge |
7wh | Legendary Mallet |
7m7 | Ogre Maul |
7gm | Thunder Maul |
7ss | Falcata |
7sm | Ataghan |
7sb | Elegant Blade |
7fc | Hydra Edge |
7cr | Phase Blade |
7bs | Conquest Sword |
7ls | Cryptic Sword |
7wd | Mythical Sword |
72h | Legend Sword |
7cm | Highland Blade |
7gs | Balrog Blade |
7b7 | Champion Sword |
7fb | Colossal Sword |
7gd | Colossus Blade |
7dg | Bone Knife |
7di | Mithral Point |
7kr | Fanged Knife |
7bl | Legend Spike |
7tk | Flying Knife |
7ta | Flying Axe |
7bk | Winged Knife |
7b8 | Winged Axe |
7ja | Hyperion Javelin |
7pi | Stygian Pilum |
7s7 | Balrog Spear |
7gl | Ghost Glaive |
7ts | Winged Harpoon |
7sr | Hyperion Spear |
7tr | Stygian Pike |
7br | Mancatcher |
7st | Ghost Spear |
7p7 | War Pike |
7o7 | Ogre Axe |
7vo | Colossus Voulge |
7s8 | Thresher |
7pa | Cryptic Axe |
7h7 | Great Poleaxe |
7wc | Giant Thresher |
6ss | Walking Stick |
6ls | Stalagmite |
6cs | Elder Staff |
6bs | Shillelah |
6ws | Archon Staff |
6sb | Spider Bow |
6hb | Blade Bow |
6lb | Shadow Bow |
6cb | Great Bow |
6s7 | Diamond Bow |
6l7 | Crusader Bow |
6sw | Ward Bow |
6lw | Hydra Bow |
6lx | Pellet Bow |
6mx | Gorgon Crossbow |
6hx | Colossus Crossbow |
6rx | Demon Crossbow |
ob1 | Eagle Orb |
ob2 | Sacred Globe |
ob3 | Smoked Sphere |
ob4 | Clasped Orb |
ob5 | Jared's Stone |
am1 | Stag Bow |
am2 | Reflex Bow |
am3 | Maiden Spear |
am4 | Maiden Pike |
am5 | Maiden Javelin |
ob6 | Glowing Orb |
ob7 | Crystalline Globe |
ob8 | Cloudy Sphere |
ob9 | Sparkling Ball |
oba | Swirling Crystal |
am6 | Ashwood Bow |
am7 | Ceremonial Bow |
am8 | Ceremonial Spear |
am9 | Ceremonial Pike |
ama | Ceremonial Javelin |
obb | Heavenly Stone |
obc | Eldritch Orb |
obd | Demon Heart |
obe | Vortex Orb |
obf | Dimensional Shard |
amb | Matriarchal Bow |
amc | Grand Matron Bow |
amd | Matriarchal Spear |
ame | Matriarchal Pike |
amf | MatriarchalJavelin |
cap | Cap/hat |
skp | Skull Cap |
hlm | Helm |
fhl | Full Helm |
ghm | Great Helm |
crn | Crown |
msk | Mask |
qui | Quilted Armor |
lea | Leather Armor |
hla | Hard Leather Armor |
stu | Studded Leather |
rng | Ring Mail |
scl | Scale Mail |
chn | Chain Mail |
brs | Breast Plate |
spl | Splint Mail |
plt | Plate Mail |
fld | Field Plate |
gth | Gothic Plate |
ful | Full Plate Mail |
aar | Ancient Armor |
ltp | Light Plate |
buc | Buckler |
sml | Small Shield |
lrg | Large Shield |
kit | Kite Shield |
tow | Tower Shield |
gts | Gothic Shield |
lgl | Leather Gloves |
vgl | Heavy Gloves |
mgl | Bracers |
tgl | Light Gauntlets |
hgl | Gauntlets |
lbt | Leather Boots |
vbt | Heavy Boots |
mbt | Chain Boots |
tbt | Light Plate Boots |
hbt | Plate Boots |
lbl | Sash(L) |
vbl | Light Belt |
mbl | Belt(M) |
tbl | Heavy Belt |
hbl | Girdle(H) |
bhm | Bone Helm |
bsh | Bone Shield |
spk | Spiked Shield |
xap | War Hat |
xkp | Sallet |
xlm | Casque |
xhl | Basinet |
xhm | Winged Helm |
xrn | Grand Crown |
xsk | Death Mask |
xui | Ghost Armor |
xea | Serpentskin Armor |
xla | Demonhide Armor |
xtu | Trellised Armor |
xng | Linked Mail |
xcl | Tigulated Mail |
xhn | Mesh Armor |
xrs | Cuirass |
xpl | Russet Armor |
xlt | Templar Coat |
xld | Sharktooth Armor |
xth | Embossed Plate |
xul | Chaos Armor |
xar | Ornate Armor |
xtp | Mage Plate |
xuc | Defender |
xml | Round Shield |
xrg | Scutum |
xit | Dragon Shield |
xow | Pavise |
xts | Ancient Shield |
xlg | Demonhide Gloves |
xvg | Sharkskin Gloves |
xmg | Heavy Bracers |
xtg | Battle Gauntlets |
xhg | War Gauntlets |
xlb | Demonhide Boots |
xvb | Sharkskin Boots |
xmb | Mesh Boots |
xtb | Battle Boots |
xhb | War Boots |
zlb | Demonhide Sash |
zvb | Sharkskin Belt |
zmb | Mesh Belt |
ztb | Battle Belt |
zhb | War Belt |
xh9 | Grim Helm |
xsh | Grim Shield |
xpk | Barbed Shield |
dr1 | Wolf Head |
dr2 | Hawk Helm |
dr3 | Antlers |
dr4 | Falcon Mask |
dr5 | Spirit Mask |
ba1 | Jawbone Cap |
ba2 | Fanged Helm |
ba3 | Horned Helm |
ba4 | Assault Helmet |
ba5 | Avenger Guard |
pa1 | Targe |
pa2 | Rondache |
pa3 | Heraldic Shield |
pa4 | Aerin Shield |
pa5 | Crown Shield |
ne1 | Preserved Head |
ne2 | Zombie Head |
ne3 | Unraveller Head |
ne4 | Gargoyle Head |
ne5 | Demon Head |
ci0 | Circlet |
ci1 | Coronet |
ci2 | Tiara |
ci3 | Diadem |
uap | Shako |
ukp | Hydraskull |
ulm | Armet |
uhl | Giant Conch |
uhm | Spired Helm |
urn | Corona |
usk | Demonhead |
uui | Dusk Shroud |
uea | Wyrmhide |
ula | Scarab Husk |
utu | Wire Fleece |
ung | Diamond Mail |
ucl | Loricated Mail |
uhn | Boneweave |
urs | Great Hauberk |
upl | Balrog Skin |
uld | Kraken Shell |
ult | Hellforged Plate |
uth | Lacquered Plate |
uul | Shadow Plate |
uar | Sacred Armor |
utp | Archon Plate |
uuc | Heater |
uml | Luna |
urg | Hyperion |
uit | Monarch |
uow | Aegis |
uts | Ward |
ulg | Bramble Mitts |
uvg | Vampirebone Gloves |
umg | Vambraces |
utg | Crusader Gauntlets |
uhg | Ogre Gauntlets |
ulb | Wyrmhide Boots |
uvb | Scarabshell Boots |
umb | Boneweave Boots |
utb | Mirrored Boots |
uhb | Myrmidon Greaves |
ulc | Spiderweb Sash |
uvc | Vampirefang Belt |
umc | Mithril Coil |
utc | Troll Belt |
uhc | Colossus Girdle |
uh9 | Bone Visage |
ush | Troll Nest |
upk | Blade Barrier |
dr6 | Alpha Helm |
dr7 | Griffon Headress |
dr8 | Hunter's Guise |
dr9 | Sacred Feathers |
dra | Totemic Mask |
ba6 | Jawbone Visor |
ba7 | Lion Helm |
ba8 | Rage Mask |
ba9 | Savage Helmet |
baa | Slayer Guard |
pa6 | Akaran Targe |
pa7 | Akaran Rondache |
pa8 | Protector Shield |
pa9 | Gilded Shield |
paa | Royal Shield |
ne6 | Mummified Trophy |
ne7 | Fetish Trophy |
ne8 | Sexton Trophy |
ne9 | Cantor Trophy |
nea | Hierophant Trophy |
drb | Blood Spirt |
drc | Sun Spirit |
drd | Earth Spirit |
dre | Sky Spirit |
drf | Dream Spirit |
bab | Carnage Helm |
bac | Fury Visor |
bad | Destroyer Helm |
bae | Conquerer Crown |
baf | Guardian Crown |
pab | Sacred Targe |
pac | Sacred Rondache |
pad | Ancient Shield |
pae | Zakarum Shield |
paf | Vortex Shield |
neb | Minion Skull |
neg | Hellspawn Skull |
ned | Overseer Skull |
nee | Succubae Skull |
nef | Bloodlord Skull |
cx7 | Key of Chaos |
cx6 | Diablo's Soulstone |
cx8 | Orb of Enchantment |
ma6 | T3 Relic |
xyz | Potion of Life (Alkor) |
Note: a more complete list of item codes can be found here.
Item Stat & Char Stat Codes
Item Stat Codes references the stat on an item. Char Stat Codes references the stat on your character.
Item Stat Code | Character Stat Code | Stat |
STAT0 | CHARSTAT0 | strength |
STAT1 | CHARSTAT1 | energy |
STAT2 | CHARSTAT2 | dexterity |
STAT3 | CHARSTAT3 | vitality |
CHARSTAT4 | statpts (number of unspent stat points) | |
CHARSTAT5 | newskills (number of unspent skill points) | |
CHARSTAT6 | hitpoints (current life) | |
STAT7 | CHARSTAT7 | maxhp |
CHARSTAT8 | mana (current mana) | |
STAT9 | CHARSTAT9 | maxmana |
CHARSTAT10 | stamina (current stamina) | |
STAT11 | CHARSTAT11 | maxstamina |
CLVL | level | |
CHARSTAT13 | experience (current experience) | |
CHARSTAT14 | gold (gold on character) | |
CHARSTAT15 | goldbank (gold in stash) | |
STAT16 | item_armor_percent | |
STAT17 | item_maxdamage_percent | |
STAT18 | item_mindamage_percent | |
STAT19 | tohit | |
STAT20 | toblock | |
STAT21 | mindamage | |
STAT22 | maxdamage | |
STAT23 | secondary_mindamage | |
STAT24 | secondary_maxdamage | |
STAT25 | damagepercent | |
STAT26 | manarecovery | |
STAT27 | manarecoverybonus | |
STAT28 | staminarecoverybonus | |
CHARSTAT29 | lastexp | |
CHARSTAT30 | nextexp | |
STAT31 | armorclass | |
STAT32 | armorclass_vs_missile | |
STAT33 | armorclass_vs_hth | |
STAT34 | normal_damage_reduction | |
STAT35 | magic_damage_reduction | |
STAT36 | CHARSTAT36 | damageresist |
STAT37 | CHARSTAT37 | magicresist |
STAT38 | CHARSTAT38 | maxmagicresist |
STAT39 | CHARSTAT39 | fireresist |
STAT40 | CHARSTAT40 | maxfireresist |
STAT41 | CHARSTAT41 | lightresist |
STAT42 | CHARSTAT42 | maxlightresist |
STAT43 | CHARSTAT43 | coldresist |
STAT44 | CHARSTAT44 | maxcoldresist |
STAT45 | CHARSTAT45 | poisonresist |
STAT46 | CHARSTAT46 | maxpoisonresist |
damageaura | ||
STAT48 | firemindam | |
STAT49 | firemaxdam | |
STAT50 | lightmindam | |
STAT51 | lightmaxdam | |
STAT52 | magicmindam | |
STAT53 | magicmaxdam | |
STAT54 | coldmindam | |
STAT55 | coldmaxdam | |
STAT56 | coldlength | |
STAT57 | poisonmindam | |
STAT58 | poisonmaxdam | |
STAT59 | poisonlength | |
STAT60 | lifedrainmindam | |
STAT61 | lifedrainmaxdam | |
STAT62 | manadrainmindam | |
STAT63 | manadrainmaxdam | |
STAT64 | stamdrainmindam | |
STAT65 | stamdrainmaxdam | |
STAT66 | stunlength | |
STAT67 | velocitypercent | |
STAT68 | attackrate | |
other_animrate | ||
quantity | ||
value | ||
STAT72 | durability | |
STAT73 | maxdurability | |
STAT74 | hpregen | |
STAT75 | item_maxdurability_percent | |
STAT76 | item_maxhp_percent | |
STAT77 | item_maxmana_percent | |
STAT78 | item_attackertakesdamage | |
STAT79 | item_goldbonus | |
STAT80 | item_magicbonus | |
STAT81 | item_knockback | |
item_timeduration | ||
STAT83 | item_addclassskills | |
STAT85 | item_addexperience | |
STAT86 | item_healafterkill (life on kill) | |
STAT87 | item_reducedprices | |
STAT89 | item_lightradius | |
STAT91 | item_req_percent | |
STAT92 | item_levelreq | |
STAT93 | CHARSTAT93 | item_fasterattackrate |
STAT94 | item_levelreqpct | |
STAT96 | item_fastermovevelocity | |
STAT | ||
STAT | ||
STAT99 | CHARSTAT99 | item_fastergethitrate |
STAT101 | skill_poison_override_length | |
STAT102 | CHARSTAT102 | item_fasterblockrate |
skill_bypass_undead | ||
skill_bypass_demons | ||
STAT105 | CHARSTAT105 | item_fastercastrate |
STAT108 | item_restinpeace | |
STAT109 | CHARSTAT109 | curse_resistance |
STAT110 | item_poisonlengthresist | |
STAT111 | item_normaldamage | |
STAT112 | item_howl | |
STAT113 | item_stupidity | |
STAT114 | item_damagetomana | |
STAT115 | item_ignoretargetac | |
Just ask greendude if theres a stat missing here that you want |
Special Conditions
Code | Description | Usage |
CLSK0 | Amazon Skills | ItemDisplay[amc CLSK0>1]: %RED%%NAME% |
CLSK1 | Sorceress Skills | |
CLSK2 | Necromancer Skills | |
CLSK3 | Paladin Skills | |
CLSK4 | Barbarian Skills | |
CLSK5 | Druid Skills | |
CLSK6 | Assassin Skills | |
ALLSK | All Skills | ItemDisplay[ALLSK>1]: %BLUE%%NAME% |
TABSK0 | Amazon: Bow & Crossbow | ItemDisplay[TABSK0>0]: %ORANGE%%NAME% |
TABSK1 | Amazon: Passive & Magic | |
TABSK2 | Amazon: Javelin & Spear | |
TABSK8 | Sorceress: Fire | |
TABSK9 | Sorceress: Lightning | |
TABSK10 | Sorceress: Cold | |
TABSK16 | Necromancer: Curses | |
TABSK17 | Necromancer: Poison & Bone | |
TABSK18 | Necromancer: Summon | |
TABSK24 | Paladin: Combat | |
TABSK25 | Paladin: Offensive Auras | |
TABSK26 | Paladin: Defensive Auras | |
TABSK32 | Barbarian: Combat | |
TABSK33 | Barbarian: Masteries | |
TABSK34 | Barbarian: Warcries | |
TABSK40 | Druid: Summoning | |
TABSK41 | Druid: Shapeshifting | |
TABSK42 | Druid: Elemental | |
TABSK48 | Assassin: Traps | |
TABSK49 | Assassin: Shadow Disciplines | |
TABSK50 | Assassin: Martial Arts | |
ED | % effective defense/damage | |
RES | % to all Resistances | ItemDisplay[RES<40]: %RED%F%BLUE%C%YELLOW%L%GREEN%P %NAME% |
ID | identified | |
DEF | total defense | |
LIFE | + life | |
IAS | increased attack speed | |
FCR | faster cast rate | |
GEMLEVEL | gem or rune level | |
RUNE | ||
SOCK | conditional socket count | ItemDisplay[WP8 (SOCK>3 AND SOCK<6)]: %GREEN%%NAME% = Polearms with 4 or 5 sockets have green name |
CLVL | Character level | ItemDisplay[mp1 CLVL>14]: = Hides minor mana potions when char is lvl 15+ |
QUEST | All quest items | ItemDisplay[QUEST]: %NAME% = Shows all quest items by name |
SYNTH | Synthesized items | |
SPECIAL | Catches all QUEST and SYNTH items, possibly more in the future |
Skill Codes
Skill codes will only work for items that grant skill bonuses when unidentified (implicit). The SK## method of skill code filtering is being replaced by the easier to read syntax of SKILL("Skill Name") syntax, so SK59
can now be done by issuing SKILL("Blizzard")
. The SK## syntax still functions.
Amazon | Assassin | Barbarian | Druid | Necromancer | Paladin | Sorceress |
SKILL("Jab") | SKILL("Dragon Claw") | SKILL("Howl") | SKILL("Firestorm") | SKILL("Summon Mastery") | SKILL("Prayer") | SKILL("Ice Bolt") |
SKILL("Power Strike") | SKILL("Tiger Strike") | SKILL("Find Potion") | SKILL("Molten Boulder") | SKILL("Raise Skeleton Warrior") | SKILL("Resist Fire") | SKILL("Frigerate") |
SKILL("Poison Javelin") | SKILL("Dragon Talon") | SKILL("Taunt") | SKILL("Flame Dash") | SKILL("Bone Offering") | SKILL("Defiance") | SKILL("Frost Nova") |
SKILL("Fend") | SKILL("Fists of Fire") | SKILL("Shout") | SKILL("Arctic Blast") | SKILL("Clay Golem") | SKILL("Resist Cold") | SKILL("Ice Blast") |
SKILL("Lightning Bolt") | SKILL("Cobra Strike") | SKILL("Find Item") | SKILL("Fissure") | SKILL("Flesh Offering") | SKILL("Cleansing") | SKILL("Shiver Armor") |
SKILL("Charged Strike") | SKILL("Claws of Thunder") | SKILL("Battle Cry") | SKILL("Cyclone Armor") | SKILL("Raise Skeletal Mage") | SKILL("Resist Lightning") | SKILL("Glacial Spike") |
SKILL("Plague Javelin") | SKILL("Dragon Flight") | SKILL("Battle Orders") | SKILL("Twister") | SKILL("Blood Golem") | SKILL("Vigor") | SKILL("Blizzard") |
SKILL("Molten Strike") | SKILL("Blades of Ice") | SKILL("Grim Ward") | SKILL("Volcano") | SKILL("Convocation") | SKILL("Meditation") | SKILL("Freezing Pulse") |
SKILL("Lightning Strike") | SKILL("Claw Mastery") | SKILL("War Cry") | SKILL("Tornado") | SKILL("Iron Golem") | SKILL("Redemption") | SKILL("Chilling Armor") |
SKILL("Lightning Fury") | SKILL("Psychic Hammer") | SKILL("Battle Command") | SKILL("Armageddon") | SKILL("Fire Golem") | SKILL("Salvation") | SKILL("Frozen Orb") |
SKILL("Inner Sight") | SKILL("Burst of Speed") | SKILL("Edged Weapon Mastery") | SKILL("Hurricane") | SKILL("Revive") | SKILL("Might") | SKILL("Cold Mastery") |
SKILL("Lethal Strike") | SKILL("Weapon Block") | SKILL("Pole Weapon Mastery") | SKILL("Werewolf") | SKILL("Deadly Poison") | SKILL("Holy Fire") | SKILL("Charged Bolt") |
SKILL("Phase Run") | SKILL("Cloak of Shadows") | SKILL("Blunt Weapon Mastery") | SKILL("Lycanthropy") | SKILL("Teeth") | SKILL("Precision") | SKILL("Static Field") |
SKILL("Dodge") | SKILL("Fade") | SKILL("Throwing Mastery") | SKILL("Werebear") | SKILL("Bone Armor") | SKILL("Blessed Aim") | SKILL("Telekinesis") |
SKILL("Avoid") | SKILL("Shadow Warrior") | SKILL("Increased Stamina") | SKILL("Feral Rage") | SKILL("Corpse Explosion") | SKILL("Concentration") | SKILL("Nova") |
SKILL("Penetrate") | SKILL("Mind Blast") | SKILL("Counter Attack") | SKILL("Maul") | SKILL("Desecrate") | SKILL("Holy Freeze") | SKILL("Lightning Surge") |
SKILL("Evade") | SKILL("Venom") | SKILL("Iron Skin") | SKILL("Rabies") | SKILL("Bone Spear") | SKILL("Holy Shock") | SKILL("Chain Lightning") |
SKILL("Decoy") | SKILL("Shadow Master") | SKILL("Increased Speed") | SKILL("Fire Claws") | SKILL("Bone Wall") | SKILL("Sanctuary") | SKILL("Teleport") |
SKILL("Valkyrie") | SKILL("Fire Blast") | SKILL("Puncture") | SKILL("Hunger") | SKILL("Bone Spirit") | SKILL("Fanaticism") | SKILL("Discharge") |
SKILL("Pierce") | SKILL("Shock Web") | SKILL("Natural Resistance") | SKILL("Shock Wave") | SKILL("Poison Nova") | SKILL("Conviction") | SKILL("Thunder Storm") |
SKILL("Cold Arrow") | SKILL("Blade Throw") | SKILL("Whirling Axes") | SKILL("Fury") | SKILL("Amplify Damage") | SKILL("Sacrifice") | SKILL("Energy Shield") |
SKILL("Magic Arrow") | SKILL("Charged Bolt Sentry") | SKILL("Double Swing") | SKILL("Raven") | SKILL("Dim Vision") | SKILL("Smite") | SKILL("Lightning Mastery") |
SKILL("Multiple Shot") | SKILL("Wake of Fire") | SKILL("Concentrate") | SKILL("Poison Creeper") | SKILL("Hemorrhage") | SKILL("Holy Bolt") | SKILL("Fire Bolt") |
SKILL("Fire Arrow") | SKILL("Blade Fury") | SKILL("Cleave") | SKILL("Heart of Wolverine") | SKILL("Weaken") | SKILL("Zeal") | SKILL("Warmth") |
SKILL("Ice Arrow") | SKILL("Lightning Sentry") | SKILL("Frenzy") | SKILL("Summon Spirit Wolf") | SKILL("Iron Maiden") | SKILL("Charge") | SKILL("Inferno") |
SKILL("Guided Arrow") | SKILL("Wake of Inferno") | SKILL("Stun") | SKILL("Carrion Vine") | SKILL("Terror") | SKILL("Vengeance") | SKILL("Immolate") |
SKILL("Exploding Arrow") | SKILL("Death Sentry") | SKILL("Leap") | SKILL("Oak Sage") | SKILL("Confuse") | SKILL("Blessed Hammer") | SKILL("Fire Ball") |
SKILL("Strafe") | SKILL("Blade Shield") | SKILL("Power Throw") | SKILL("Summon Dire Wolf") | SKILL("Life Tap") | SKILL("Conversion") | SKILL("Fire Wall") |
SKILL("Immolation Arrow") | SKILL("Bash") | SKILL("Solar Creeper") | SKILL("Attract") | SKILL("Holy Shield") | SKILL("Enflame") | |
SKILL("Freezing Arrow") | SKILL("Ethereal Throw") | SKILL("Spirit of Barbs") | SKILL("Decrepify") | SKILL("Fist of the Heavens") | SKILL("Meteor") | |
SKILL("Whirlwind") | SKILL("Summon Grizzly") | SKILL("Lower Resist") | SKILL("Dashing Strike") | SKILL("Hydra") | ||
SKILL("Fire Mastery") |
Code | Skill |
SK40 | Frigerate |
SK48 | Nova |
SK58 | Energy Shield |
SK59 | Blizzard |
SK62 | Hydra |
SK64 | Frozen Orb |
SK69 | Summon Mastery |
SK83 | Desecrate |
SK92 | Poison Nova |
SK118 | Holy Shock |
SK119 | Sanctuary |
SK224 | Lycanthropy |
SK225 | Firestorm |
SK226 | Oak Sage |
SK227 | Summon Spirit Wolf |
SK236 | Heart of Wolverine |
SK237 | Summon Dire Wolf |
SK238 | Rabies |
SK244 | Volcano |
SK247 | Summon Grizzly Bear |
SK249 | Armageddon |
SK250 | Hurricane |
SK261 | Charged Bolt Sentry |
SK262 | Wake of Fire Sentry |
SK271 | Lightning Sentry |
SK274 | Blades of Ice |
SK275 | Dragon Flight |
SK276 | Death Sentry |
SK277 | Blade Shield |
SK278 | Venom |