Feral Rage

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Revision as of 10:30, 27 May 2017 by Swoosh (talk | contribs) (Patch Notes)

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Feral Rage

Feral rage.jpg
Required Level: 12
Feral rage preview.gif

Prerequisites: Werewolf

Duration: 20 sec
Mana Cost: 3

Level Walk/Run Spd +X% Life Steal +X% Dmg +X% Atk +X%
1 19 - 32 4 - 13 50 40
2 19 - 36 4 - 18 60 50
3 19 - 36 4 - 23 70 60
4 19 - 40 4 - 28 80 70
5 19 - 40 4 - 33 90 80
6 19 - 43 4 - 38 100 90
7 19 - 43 4 - 43 110 100
8 19 - 45 4 - 48 120 110
9 19 - 45 4 - 53 130 120
10 19 - 47 4 - 58 140 130
11 19 - 47 4 - 63 150 140
12 19 - 49 4 - 68 160 150
13 19 - 49 4 - 73 170 160
14 19 - 51 4 - 78 180 170
15 19 - 51 4 - 83 190 180
16 19 - 52 4 - 88 200 190
17 19 - 52 4 - 93 210 200
18 19 - 54 4 - 98 220 210
19 19 - 54 4 - 103 230 220
20 19 - 55 4 - 108 240 230

Patch Notes

  • Rabies’ poison duration has increased to 4 seconds. The damage has been scaled up accordingly
  • Rabies’ infection spread AoE has been increased
  • Druid’s Fire Claw skill has been changed to deal 100% of fire weapon damage as splash damage
  • Wearwolf form now starts with 15% increased life (was 25%)
  • Wearbear form now starts with 25% increased life (was 35%)
  • Shock Wave’s damage synergy has been lowered from 11% to 10%
  • Flame Dash has been reworked. The cooldown is reduced by base levels. The damage is scaled by levels and energy