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Revision as of 00:05, 11 October 2017 by Daniel sauer (talk | contribs) (Fissure: summarized changed and referred to Vanilla)

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Vanilla Mechanics Damage buffed alot.

Casting Delay: 2 Seconds
Fissure preview.jpg

Required Level: 12
Prerequisites: Molten Boulder

Mana Cost: 15
Duration: 3.2 sec

Level Fire Dmg.
1 15 - 25
2 23 - 35
3 31 - 45
4 39 - 55
5 47 - 65
6 55 - 75
7 63 - 85
8 71 - 95
9 85 - 111
10 99 - 127
11 113 - 143
12 127 - 159
13 141 - 175
14 155 - 191
15 169 - 207
16 183 - 223
17 203 - 245
18 223 - 267
19 243 - 289
20 263 - 311