Alpha Version - Some things are unfinished!




94 Amazon

  • +35% Extra Gold
  • +40% Increased Attack Speed
Soul Clutches
Demonhide Gloves

Defense: 34
Durability: 12/12
Item Level: 88
Corrupted +2 to Javelin and Spear Skills (Amazon Only) +20% Increased Attack Speed Cold Resist +27% Lightning Resist +17% Level 3 Exploding Arrow (27/27 Charges)
Thundergod's Vigor
War Belt

Defense: 53
Durability: 24/24
Item Level: 90
Corrupted 5% Chance to cast level 7 Fist of the Heavens when struck +8% Piercing Attack Adds 1-50 Lightning damage +3 to Lightning Strike (Amazon Only) +3 to Lightning Fury (Amazon Only) +174% Enhanced Defense +20 to Strength +20 to Vitality +10% to Maximum Lightning Resist +20 Lightning Absorb
Aldur's Advance
Battle Boots

Defense: 40
Durability: 12/18
Item Level: 80
Corrupted Indestructible +40% Faster Run/Walk +50 to Life +180 Maximum Stamina Heal Stamina Plus 32% Fire Resist +49% 10% Damage Taken Gained as Mana when Hit
Raven Frost

Item Level: 89
Corrupted +250 to Attack Rating Adds 15-45 cold damage +20 to Dexterity +15 to Life +40 to Mana Cold Absorb 20% Cannot Be Frozen
The Cat's Eye

Item Level: 88
Corrupted +1 to All Skills +30% Faster Run/Walk +20% Increased Attack Speed +100 Defense +100 Defense vs. Missile +25 to Dexterity
Call to Arms
Crystal Sword
Damage: 18 to 55
Durability: 100/100
Item Level: 86
+1 to All Skills +40% Increased Attack Speed +269% Enhanced Damage +5 Fire damage 7% Life stolen per hit Prevent Monster Heal +2 to Battle Cry +4 to Battle Orders +2 to Battle Command 30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Battle Order's life and mana bonuses are halved. Socketed (5)
Defense: 137
Chance to Block: 47%
Durability: 86/86
Item Level: 81
+2 to All Skills +30% Faster Cast Rate +55% Faster Hit Recovery +250 Defense vs. Missile +22 to Vitality +109 to Mana Cold Resist +35% Lightning Resist +35% Poison Resist +35% +4 Magic Absorb Attacker Takes Damage of 14 Socketed (4)
Titan's Revenge
Ceremonial Javelin

Throw Damage: 74 to 149
Damage: 74 to 96
Durability: 100/100
Item Level: 91
Corrupted +2 to Javelin and Spear Skills (Amazon Only) +2 to Amazon Skill Levels +30% Faster Run/Walk +15% Increased Attack Speed +177% Enhanced Damage Adds 25-50 damage 9% Life stolen per hit +20 to Strength +20 to Dexterity Increased Stack Size Repairs 1 durability in 3 seconds
  • 212Mana
  • 1681Life

  • Strength69
  • Dexterity104
  • Vitality467
  • Energy15

  • Stat Points0
  • Skill Points0

  • Fire Resistance103%
  • Cold Resistance81%
  • Lightning Resistance71%
  • Poison Resistance54%

2,186,012Personal Gold & Stash Gold
BOW AND CROSSBOW SKILLSPASSIVE AND MAGIC SKILLSInner Sight1 Lethal Strike1 Dodge1 Phase Run1 Avoid1 Penetrate1 Evade1 Pierce8 JAVELIN AND SPEAR SKILLSJab1 Power Strike6 Poison Javelin1 Lightning Bolt20 Charged Strike20 Plague Javelin1 Lightning Strike20 Lightning Fury20



91 Desert Mercenary