Alpha Version - Some things are unfinished!




99 Barbarian

  • +42% Extra Gold
  • +25% Faster Casting Rate
  • +35% Faster Hit Recovery
  • +40% Increased Attack Speed
  • +37% Deadly Strike
  • +6% Damage Reduction
Laying of Hands
Bramble Mitts

Defense: 55
Durability: 4/12
Item Level: 88
Corrupted 10% Chance to cast level 3 Holy Bolt on striking +20% Increased Attack Speed +236% Damage to Demons +25 Defense Fire Resist +50% +8 Life Gained on Ranged Hit +10 Life Gained on Melee Hit
Highlord's Wrath

Item Level: 88
Corrupted +1 to All Skills +20% Increased Attack Speed Adds 1-30 Lightning damage 37% Deadly Strike (Based on Character Level) Lightning Resist +35% Attacker Takes Lightning Damage of 15
Sharkskin Belt

Defense: 37
Durability: 11/14
Item Level: 85
Corrupted +33% Piercing Attack +10 to Maximum Damage +129% Enhanced Defense +15 Defense +15 to Dexterity +2% to Maximum Cold Resist Attacker Takes Damage of 99 (Based on Character Level)
Raven Frost

Item Level: 88
Corrupted +208 to Attack Rating Adds 15-45 cold damage +16 to Dexterity +40 to Mana Cold Absorb 20% Physical Damage Taken Reduced by 6% Cannot Be Frozen
Arreat's Face
Slayer Guard

Defense: 121
Durability: 43/55
Item Level: 86
Corrupted +2 to Combat Skills (Barbarian Only) +2 to Barbarian Skill Levels +30% Faster Hit Recovery +117% Enhanced Damage +3 to Minimum Damage +4 to Maximum Damage 20% Bonus to Attack Rating 3% Life stolen per hit +158% Enhanced Defense +20 to Strength +20 to Dexterity All Resistances +30 Socketed (3)
Dusk Shroud
Defense: 468
Durability: 15/20
Item Level: 87
20% Chance to cast level 15 Chilling Armor when struck +25% Faster Cast Rate +284% Enhanced Damage +215% Enhanced Defense +99 to Life (Based on Character Level) Replenish Life Replenish Life 7 per second per second +5% to Maximum Lightning Resist All Resistances +26 Physical Damage Taken Reduced by 7 12% Damage Taken Gained as Mana when Hit +1 to Light Radius Socketed (4)
Heart of the Oak
Damage: 1 to 24
Durability: 51/45
Item Level: 80
+3 to All Skills +40% Faster Cast Rate 3% Bonus to Attack Rating +75% Damage to Demons +100 to Attack Rating against Demons +3 cold damage 7% Mana stolen per hit +10 to Dexterity Replenish Life Replenish Life 69 per second per second Increase Maximum Mana 15% All Resistances +30 Increase Maximum Durability 15% Socketed (4)
Winged Knife

Throw Damage: 70 to 118
Damage: 82 to 106
Durability: 60/60
Item Level: 89
Corrupted +30% Increased Attack Speed +50% Piercing Attack +205% Enhanced Damage +99 to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level) Adds 1-80 Lightning damage 50% Deadly Strike Repairs 1 durability in 3 seconds
Defense: 142
Chance to Block: 47%
Durability: 76/86
Item Level: 88
100% Chance to cast level 40 Firestorm when you Level-Up 40% Chance to cast level 22 Fire Ball on striking Level 10 Redemption Aura When Equipped Level 12 Redemption Aura When Equipped +340% Enhanced Damage -28% to Enemy Fire Resistance +361 Defense vs. Missile +50 to Life +5% to Maximum Lightning Resist +10% to Maximum Fire Resist +15 Fire Absorb Increase Maximum Durability 11% Requirements -5% Socketed (4)
  • 179Mana
  • 2000Life

  • Strength166
  • Dexterity172
  • Vitality346
  • Energy10

  • Stat Points0
  • Skill Points0

  • Fire Resistance179%
  • Cold Resistance142%
  • Lightning Resistance175%
  • Poison Resistance119%

36,073Personal Gold & Stash Gold
COMBAT SKILLSBash20 Ethereal Throw20 Double Swing1 Stun1 Power Throw20 Concentrate1 Cleave1 MASTERIESThrown Weapon Mastery20 Increased Stamina1 Iron Skin1 Increased Speed1 Natural Resistance1 WARCRIESHowl1 Shout1 Battle Orders19 Battle Command1

  • Account* unknown
  • Last Login2024/07/26


65 Barbarian
Brute's Jewel of Fervor

Item Level: 80
Melee attacks deal splash damage +15% Increased Attack Speed

Defense: 466
Durability: 24/45
Item Level: 88
Corrupted +188% Enhanced Defense +250 Defense vs. Missile +60 to Life Physical Damage Taken Reduced by 30%
Cham Rune
Cham Rune

Item Level: 0
Fal Rune
Fal Rune

Item Level: 0
Um Rune
Um Rune

Item Level: 0