Alpha Version - Some things are unfinished!




94 Druid

  • +7% Magic Find
  • +7% Extra Gold
  • +30% Faster Casting Rate
  • +50% Faster Hit Recovery
  • +20% Increased Attack Speed
  • +40% Crushing Blow
  • +10% Open Wounds
  • +50% Deadly Strike
  • +14% Damage Reduction
Trang-Oul's Claws
Heavy Bracers

Defense: 37
Durability: 15/16
Item Level: 88
Corrupted +2 to Curses (Necromancer Only) +20% Faster Cast Rate +25% Increased Poison Damage +30 Defense Cold Resist +30% +8 Life Gained on Ranged Hit +10 Life Gained on Melee Hit
Gore Rider
War Boots

Defense: 54
Durability: 32/24
Item Level: 88
Corrupted +30% Faster Run/Walk 15% Chance of Crushing Blow 15% Deadly Strike 10% Chance of Open Wounds +192% Enhanced Defense +20 Maximum Stamina All Resistances +8 Requirements -25%
Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band

Item Level: 81
Corrupted +1 to All Skills 5% Life stolen per hit +47 to Life (Based on Character Level) +50 Maximum Stamina
Sky Spirit
Defense: 125
Durability: 19/20
Item Level: 88
+5 to Shape Shifting Skills (Druid Only) 25% Chance of Crushing Blow +5 to Summon Dire Wolf (Druid Only) +2 to Heart of Wolverine (Druid Only) +3 to Rabies (Druid Only) +1 to Shock Wave (Druid Only) +64% Enhanced Defense +10 to Strength +10 to Vitality All Resistances +10 Cannot Be Frozen -13% to Enemy Poison Resist affected by Rabies Grizzly/Werebear Cleave on Striking with Maul charges (Level Based on Charges) Socketed (3)
Raven Frost

Item Level: 83
Corrupted +10% Faster Run/Walk +245 to Attack Rating Adds 15-45 cold damage +20 to Dexterity +40 to Mana Cold Absorb 20% Cannot Be Frozen
Archon Plate
Defense: 525
Durability: 57/60
Item Level: 88
Level 17 Thorns Aura When Equipped +50% Faster Hit Recovery +47% Increased Poison Damage +14% Enhanced Defense +300 Defense Increase Maximum Mana 5% Regenerate Mana 15% +5% to Maximum Cold Resist Fire Resist +30% Poison Resist +100% +13 Life after each Kill Level 13 Spirit of Barbs (33/33 Charges) Socketed (4)
String of Ears
Demonhide Sash

Defense: 35
Durability: 20/12
Item Level: 91
Corrupted +10% Faster Cast Rate 8% Life stolen per hit +168% Enhanced Defense +15 Defense Physical Damage Taken Reduced by 14% Magic & Elemental Damage Taken Reduced by 15
Highlord's Wrath

Item Level: 87
Corrupted +1 to All Skills +20% Increased Attack Speed Adds 1-30 Lightning damage 35% Deadly Strike (Based on Character Level) Cold Resist +5% Lightning Resist +40% Fire Resist +5% Poison Resist +5% Attacker Takes Lightning Damage of 15
Heart of the Oak
Damage: 1 to 24
Durability: 135/135
Item Level: 88
+3 to All Skills +40% Faster Cast Rate +75% Damage to Demons +100 to Attack Rating against Demons +50% Damage to Undead +3 cold damage 7% Mana stolen per hit +10 to Dexterity Increase Maximum Life 7% Replenish Life Replenish Life 20 per second per second Increase Maximum Mana 15% All Resistances +33 Socketed (4)
Defense: 141
Chance to Block: 42%
Durability: 96/86
Item Level: 88
+2 to All Skills +26% Faster Cast Rate +55% Faster Hit Recovery +250 Defense vs. Missile +22 to Vitality +93 to Mana Cold Resist +35% Lightning Resist +35% Poison Resist +35% +8 Magic Absorb Attacker Takes Damage of 14 Increase Maximum Durability 12% Requirements -10% Socketed (4)
Phase Blade

Damage: 108 to 122
Item Level: 88
Corrupted Melee attacks deal splash damage Level 10 Sanctuary Aura When Equipped +1 to All Skills +145% Increased Attack Speed +249% Enhanced Damage Adds 250-500 Magic damage Adds 250-500 cold damage +7 to all Attributes +3 to Light Radius Socketed (6)
  • 312Mana
  • 957Life

  • Strength133
  • Dexterity181
  • Vitality300
  • Energy20

  • Stat Points0
  • Skill Points0

  • Fire Resistance157%
  • Cold Resistance107%
  • Lightning Resistance102%
  • Poison Resistance167%

113,255Personal Gold & Stash Gold
SUMMONING SKILLSRaven1 Poison Creeper20 Oak Sage1 Summon Spirit Wolf1 Heart of Wolverine20 Summon Dire Wolf20 Spirit of Barbs1 Summon Grizzly1 SHAPE SHIFTING SKILLSWerewolf8 Lycanthropy1 Feral Rage1 Rabies20 Fury1 ELEMENTAL SKILLS

  • Account* jmiri
  • Last Login2024/09/07


91 Desert Mercenary
Andariel's Visage

Defense: 155
Durability: 13/20
Item Level: 90
Corrupted Melee attacks deal splash damage 5% Chance to cast level 17 Poison Nova when struck +2 to All Skills +50% Increased Attack Speed 9% Life stolen per hit +146% Enhanced Defense +28 to Strength +10% to Maximum Poison Resist Fire Resist 0% Poison Resist +70% Level 3 Venom (5/20 Charges) Socketed (3)

Defense: 501
Durability: 23/45
Item Level: 86
Corrupted +209% Enhanced Defense +250 Defense vs. Missile +60 to Life Physical Damage Taken Reduced by 30% Socketed (3)
The Reaper's Toll

Damage: 44 to 517
Durability: 215/215
Item Level: 89
Corrupted 33% Chance to cast level 1 Decrepify on striking +80% Increased Attack Speed +267% Enhanced Damage Ignore Target's Defense Adds 4-44 cold damage 11% Life stolen per hit 33% Deadly Strike Requirements -25% Socketed (5)