Alpha Version - Some things are unfinished!




90 Sorceress

  • +599% Magic Find
  • +409% Extra Gold
  • +40% Faster Casting Rate
  • +30% Faster Hit Recovery
  • +26% Open Wounds
  • +118% Deadly Strike
  • +25% Damage Reduction
Harlequin Crest

Defense: 137
Durability: 12/12
Item Level: 90
Corrupted +20% Faster Hit Recovery -58% to Enemy Cold Resistance +2 to all Attributes +15 to Life Physical Damage Taken Reduced by 10% 306% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Summoned Grizzly Bear Cannot Be Cursed Socketed (1)
Aldur's Advance
Battle Boots

Defense: 46
Durability: 12/18
Item Level: 88
Indestructible +40% Faster Run/Walk +50 to Life +180 Maximum Stamina Heal Stamina Plus 32% Fire Resist +49% 10% Damage Taken Gained as Mana when Hit
Tal Rasha's Adjudication

Item Level: 90
Corrupted +2 to Sorceress Skill Levels Adds 3-32 Lightning damage +50 to Life +42 to Mana Regenerate Mana 15% Lightning Resist +33%
Raven Frost

Item Level: 75
Corrupted +10% Faster Cast Rate +151 to Attack Rating Adds 15-45 cold damage +20 to Dexterity +40 to Mana Cold Absorb 20% Cannot Be Frozen
Light Gauntlets

Defense: 12
Durability: 18/18
Item Level: 88
Corrupted +1 to fire skills +20% Faster Cast Rate Adds 1-6 Fire damage +25% Enhanced Defense +10 Defense Regenerate Mana 25% Cold Resist +15%
Scintillating Ring of the Apprentice

Item Level: 79
Corrupted +10% Faster Run/Walk +10% Faster Cast Rate All Resistances +13
Verdungo's Hearty Cord
Mithril Coil

Defense: 66
Durability: 16/16
Item Level: 89
+36% Piercing Attack +3 to Maximum Damage +90 to Maximum Poison Damage (Based on Character Level) +22% Increased Lightning Damage 118% Deadly Strike 26% Chance of Open Wounds +129% Enhanced Defense +2 to Strength +32 to Vitality Replenish Life Replenish Life 215 per second per second +120 Maximum Stamina Heal Stamina Plus +697% (Based on Character Level) +6% to Maximum Fire Resist Physical Damage Taken Reduced by 15% Physical Damage Taken Reduced by 56 259% Extra Gold from Monsters
Bramble Crack
Polished Wand

Damage: 18 to 33
Durability: 33/33
Item Level: 95
+2 to Necromancer Skill Levels +1 to Fire Golem (Necromancer Only) +5 to Energy +3 to Mana Lightning Resist +27% Level 2 Lower Resist (75/75 Charges)

Defense: 134
Chance to Block: 67%
Durability: 59/86
Item Level: 88
Corrupted Indestructible +35% Faster Block Rate 25% Increased Chance of Blocking +337 Defense (Based on Character Level) +30 to Strength Cold Resist +60% Lightning Resist +25% Physical Damage Taken Reduced by 30% Attacker Takes Lightning Damage of 10
Heart of the Oak
Damage: 1 to 24
Durability: 50/45
Item Level: 88
+3 to All Skills +40% Faster Cast Rate +75% Damage to Demons +100 to Attack Rating against Demons +3 cold damage 7% Mana stolen per hit +10 to Dexterity Replenish Life Replenish Life 69 per second per second Increase Maximum Mana 15% All Resistances +38 Increase Maximum Durability 13% Requirements -6% Socketed (4)

Defense: 142
Chance to Block: 67%
Durability: 82/86
Item Level: 86
Corrupted Indestructible +35% Faster Block Rate 25% Increased Chance of Blocking +10% Increased Lightning Damage +337 Defense (Based on Character Level) +30 to Strength Cold Resist +60% Lightning Resist +25% Physical Damage Taken Reduced by 30% Physical Damage Taken Reduced by 17 Attacker Takes Lightning Damage of 10 Socketed (1)
  • 558Mana
  • 1293Life

  • Strength229
  • Dexterity190
  • Vitality272
  • Energy35

  • Stat Points0
  • Skill Points0

  • Fire Resistance130%
  • Cold Resistance276%
  • Lightning Resistance121%
  • Poison Resistance81%

1,015,917Personal Gold & Stash Gold
FIRE SKILLSWarmth1 LIGHTNING SKILLSCharged Bolt20 Static Field1 Telekinesis1 Lightning Surge20 Teleport4 Chain Lightning20 Lightning Mastery20 COLD SKILLSIce Bolt1 Frigerate1 Ice Blast1 Shiver Armor1

  • Account* unknown
  • Last Login2024/07/27


87 Desert Mercenary
Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest
Death Mask

Defense: 60
Durability: 17/20
Item Level: 87
Corrupted +30% Increased Attack Speed 10% Mana stolen per hit 10% Life stolen per hit +45 Defense +60 to Life +30 to Mana All Resistances +15 Socketed (3)
Duriel's Shell

Defense: 203
Durability: 32/50
Item Level: 66
Corrupted Melee attacks deal splash damage +45% Increased Attack Speed +199% Enhanced Defense +112 Defense (Based on Character Level) +15 to Strength +90 to Life (Based on Character Level) Cold Resist +50% Lightning Resist +20% Fire Resist +20% Poison Resist +20% Cannot Be Frozen Socketed (3)
Ral Rune
Ral Rune

Item Level: 0
Tir Rune
Tir Rune

Item Level: 0
Tal Rune
Tal Rune

Item Level: 0
Sol Rune
Sol Rune

Item Level: 0