Alpha Version - Some things are unfinished!




91 Barbarian

  • +136% Magic Find
  • +30% Faster Hit Recovery
  • +35% Increased Attack Speed
  • +25% Open Wounds
  • +34% Deadly Strike
  • +8% Damage Reduction
Highlord's Wrath

Item Level: 88
Corrupted +2 to All Skills +20% Increased Attack Speed Adds 1-30 Lightning damage 34% Deadly Strike (Based on Character Level) Lightning Resist +35% Attacker Takes Lightning Damage of 15
War Traveler
Battle Boots

Defense: 48
Durability: 48/18
Item Level: 72
Adds 15-25 damage +140% Damage to Undead Slows Target by 19% +185% Enhanced Defense +10 to Strength +10 to Vitality Attacker Takes Damage of 5 45% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Level 16 Holy Fire Aura When Equipped Grizzly/Werebear Cleave on Striking with Maul charges (Level Based on Charges)
Sharkskin Belt

Defense: 37
Durability: 14/14
Item Level: 94
Corrupted +33% Piercing Attack +10 to Maximum Damage +126% Enhanced Defense +15 Defense +15 to Dexterity +2% to Maximum Lightning Resist Attacker Takes Damage of 91 (Based on Character Level)
Skull Coil

Item Level: 86
Corrupted +112 to Attack Rating 6% Mana stolen per hit 5% Life stolen per hit +10 to Energy +6 to Mana Lightning Resist +12%
Arreat's Face
Slayer Guard

Defense: 121
Durability: 55/55
Item Level: 89
Corrupted +2 to Combat Skills (Barbarian Only) +2 to Barbarian Skill Levels +15% Increased Attack Speed +30% Faster Hit Recovery 20% Bonus to Attack Rating 6% Life stolen per hit +184% Enhanced Defense +20 to Strength +20 to Dexterity Cold Resist +60% Lightning Resist +30% Fire Resist +60% Poison Resist +30% Socketed (3)
Mage Plate
Defense: 246
Durability: 60/60
Item Level: 83
+2 to All Skills +45% Faster Run/Walk +1 to Enigma Teleport +757 Defense +68 to Strength (Based on Character Level) Increase Maximum Life 5% Physical Damage Taken Reduced by 8% +14 Life after each Kill 15% Damage Taken Gained as Mana when Hit 91% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (Based on Character Level) Socketed (3)
Raven Frost

Item Level: 81
Corrupted +231 to Attack Rating Adds 15-45 cold damage +20 to Dexterity +40 to Mana Cold Absorb 20% Cannot Be Frozen
Breath of the Dying
War Pike
Damage: 236 to 1289
Durability: 20/20
Item Level: 87
50% Chance to cast level 20 Poison Nova when you Kill an Enemy +60% Increased Attack Speed +383% Enhanced Damage -25% Target Defense +50 to Attack Rating +200% Damage to Undead +50 to Attack Rating against Undead 7% Mana stolen per hit 13% Life stolen per hit Prevent Monster Heal +30 to all Attributes +1 to Light Radius Requirements -20% Ethereal (Cannot be Repaired), Socketed (6)
Dracul's Grasp
Vampirebone Gloves

Defense: 66
Durability: 14/14
Item Level: 87
Corrupted 5% Chance to cast level 10 Life Tap on striking 9% Life stolen per hit 25% Chance of Open Wounds +100% Enhanced Defense +10 to Strength +7 Life Gained on Ranged Hit +5 Life Gained on Melee Hit +10 Life after each Kill
Winged Knife

Throw Damage: 76 to 130
Damage: 90 to 116
Durability: 60/60
Item Level: 84
Corrupted +30% Increased Attack Speed +50% Piercing Attack +234% Enhanced Damage Adds 1-80 Lightning damage 50% Deadly Strike Repairs 1 durability in 3 seconds
Defense: 143
Chance to Block: 47%
Durability: 98/86
Item Level: 88
100% Chance to cast level 40 Firestorm when you Level-Up 40% Chance to cast level 22 Fire Ball on striking Level 10 Redemption Aura When Equipped Level 14 Redemption Aura When Equipped +322% Enhanced Damage -28% to Enemy Fire Resistance +354 Defense vs. Missile +50 to Life +5% to Maximum Lightning Resist +10% to Maximum Fire Resist +15 Fire Absorb Increase Maximum Durability 14% Requirements -8% Socketed (4)
  • 197Mana
  • 2266Life

  • Strength175
  • Dexterity147
  • Vitality407
  • Energy20

  • Stat Points0
  • Skill Points0

  • Fire Resistance134%
  • Cold Resistance126%
  • Lightning Resistance152%
  • Poison Resistance96%

1,616,878Personal Gold & Stash Gold
COMBAT SKILLSBash20 Ethereal Throw20 Double Swing1 Stun3 Power Throw20 Concentrate1 Whirlwind1 Cleave1 MASTERIESThrown Weapon Mastery20 Increased Stamina1 Iron Skin1 Increased Speed1 Natural Resistance1 WARCRIESHowl1 Shout1 Battle Orders8 Battle Command1

  • Account* unknown
  • Last Login2024/07/27


67 Barbarian
Duriel's Shell

Defense: 203
Durability: 29/50
Item Level: 87
Corrupted +45% Increased Attack Speed +163% Enhanced Defense +113 Defense (Based on Character Level) +7 Defense +15 to Strength +91 to Life (Based on Character Level) Cold Resist +50% Lightning Resist +20% Fire Resist +20% Poison Resist +20% Cannot Be Frozen Socketed (3)
Steel Shade

Defense: 150
Durability: 17/24
Item Level: 81
119% Chance to cast level 6 when damaged +110% Enhanced Damage 6% Mana stolen per hit -224% to Enemy Magic Resistance +116% Enhanced Defense 0 Defense vs. Missile -28 to Strength Replenish Life Replenish Life 177 per second per second +18% to Maximum Cold Resist Cold Absorb 30% 209% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Level 16 Holy Fire Aura When Equipped Can Summon One Additional Dire Wolf Socketed (2)