Alpha Version - Some things are unfinished!




73 Necromancer

  • +570% Magic Find
  • +129% Extra Gold
  • +53% Faster Hit Recovery
Bone Helm
Defense: 34
Durability: 40/40
Item Level: 30
+1 to All Skills +10 to Energy Lightning Resist +30% Physical Damage Taken Reduced by 7 +2 to Mana after each Kill +2 to Light Radius Socketed (2)
Nokozan Relic

Item Level: 30
+20% Faster Hit Recovery Adds 3-6 Fire damage +10% to Maximum Fire Resist Fire Resist +50% +3 to Light Radius
Soul Shroud
Breast Plate

Defense: 69
Durability: 49/50
Item Level: 37
+38% Enhanced Defense Cold Resist +11% Lightning Resist +22% Magic & Elemental Damage Taken Reduced by 2 Poison Length Reduced by 50% Attacker Takes Damage of 3

Item Level: 30
+166 Fire Damage per Fists of Ember Charge 17% Chance to cast level 2 Phase Run when you Kill an Enemy Level 9 Defiance Aura When Equipped item_aura +63 to Attack Rating +1095 to Attack Rating (Based on Character Level) -7% to Enemy Lightning Resistance Hit Blinds Target +96 -30 to Strength +80 to Dexterity Cold Resist +3% Poison Resist +13% Magic & Elemental Damage Taken Reduced by 3 +82 Life after each Kill Attacker Takes Damage of 3 31% Extra Gold from Monsters 284% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Heavy Belt

Defense: 7
Durability: 18/18
Item Level: 75
Corrupted +7582 to All Skills (Based on Character Level) +30% Faster Run/Walk +0 to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level) +29 to Maximum Fire Damage +76% Enhanced Defense +37 Defense +66 Defense vs. Missile -32 to Strength +69 to Energy +10 to Life 50% Slower Stamina Drain +11% to Maximum Cold Resist 80% Extra Gold from Monsters 286% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Bone Wand
Damage: 3 to 7
Durability: 23/23
Item Level: 20
+3 to Poison and Bone Skills (Necromancer Only) +20% Faster Cast Rate +1 to Teeth (Necromancer Only) +3 to Iron Maiden (Necromancer Only) +3 to Bone Spear (Necromancer Only) +3 to Bone Armor (Necromancer Only) +4 to Summon Mastery (Necromancer Only) +2 to Bone Spear (Necromancer Only) +10 to Vitality +13 to Mana Magic & Elemental Damage Taken Reduced by 4 Half Freeze Duration Socketed (2)
PlagueRI Emblem
Demon Head

Defense: 15
Chance to Block: 52%
Durability: 20/20
Item Level: 40
10% Chance to cast level 3 Charged Bolt when struck +30% Faster Block Rate 20% Increased Chance of Blocking Adds 5-14 poison damage over 3 seconds +1 to Raise Skeletal Mage (Necromancer Only) +1 to Revive (Necromancer Only) +12 to Life Cold Resist +8% Lightning Resist +15% Fire Resist +8% Poison Resist +8% 8% Damage Taken Gained as Mana when Hit
  • 510Mana
  • 810Life

  • Strength48
  • Dexterity105
  • Vitality252
  • Energy179

  • Stat Points0
  • Skill Points0

  • Fire Resistance79%
  • Cold Resistance65%
  • Lightning Resistance86%
  • Poison Resistance66%

201,626Personal Gold & Stash Gold
CURSESDecrepify1 POISON AND BONE SKILLSTeeth20 Bone Armor1 Corpse Explosion1 Bone Wall1 Bone Spear20 Bone Spirit20 SUMMONING SKILLSSummon Mastery1 Raise Skeleton Warrior1 Clay Golem1 Convocation14 Blood Golem1

  • Account* unknown
  • Last Login2024/09/20


70 Desert Mercenary
Ring Mail

Defense: 49
Durability: 24/26
Item Level: 40
+20 to Attack Rating +89% Enhanced Defense +50 Defense vs. Melee +5% to Maximum Poison Resist +5% to Maximum Cold Resist +5% to Maximum Lightning Resist +5% to Maximum Fire Resist All Resistances +10 +3 to Light Radius
The Face of Horror

Defense: 15
Durability: 10/20
Item Level: 40
+50% Damage to Undead Hit Causes Monster to Flee +64% +25 Defense +20 to Strength All Resistances +10
Ral Rune
Ral Rune

Item Level: 0
Tir Rune
Tir Rune

Item Level: 0
Tal Rune
Tal Rune

Item Level: 0
Sol Rune
Sol Rune

Item Level: 0